Essential Amino Acid Mnemonic
Essential Amino Acid Mnemonic

Essential Amino Acid Mnemonic

Essential Amino Acid Mnemonic. there are 22 amino acids that are essential for human health. Of these, eleven are classified as “essential” because the body cannot manufacture them and must obtain them through food.

The remaining 11 amino acids can be made in the body if there is a deficiency, but they also play an important role in human health. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Proteins are important for muscle function, nerve transmission, and cell signaling.

The Essential Amino Acid Mnemonic is a visual representation of the six essential amino acids. This mnemonic can be helpful in remembering the locations of these amino acids on the human body.

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I’ll be talking about essential amino acids. So just to give you a brief definition of what an essential amino acid is, an essential amino acid is an amino acid that cannot be produced or synthesized de Novo in an organism. So thus the only way to get these amino acids are through dietary intake. So to go over the list of essential amino acids, the first one is phenobarbital. So as the name suggests, there’s an alanine backbone that is placed right here with a phenyl group or a benzene ring attached to it.

Essential Amino Acid Mnemonic

The next amino acid is veinoline. So veline is just your typical amino acid backbone with a branched chain side chain. So this valine is actually one of the branch chain amino acids, and it’s branch chain. Side chain is in the form of a V. So it’s kind of an easy way to remember that the next one is tryptophan.

Tryptophan again has that classical amino acid backbone, and it has an indole ring attached to it. So it has a five membered ring fused with a benzene ring. So tryptophan has a side chain that consists of a five member ring attached to benzene ring. The next amino acid is threatenine. So threeanine, its side chain is similar to valine, except that one part of the other side of the V is actually hydroxyl group.

The next amino acid is isoleucine. So isolucine, again, you look here, we’ve got our classical amino acid structure with the side chain that is similar to valine, but you’ve got an extra methyl group attached to it. And isolation is also one of the branch chain amino acids. The next amino acid is methionine. So methionine is simply just think about it as there’s an alanine, it’s an alanine with another carbon and then a sulfhydryl group attached to it.

mnemonic for amino acids

So methionine is one of two amino acids that contain a sulfur group which is essential for organismal life. The next amino acid is histidine. So histidine histidine is actually one of the basic amino acids, and it’s attached to a five member ring that contains two nitrogen. The next essential amino acid. And this amino acid actually is not always essential, but it sometimes is lumped in with the list of essential amino acids.

It’s arginine. So arginine is another basic amino acid, and it has a longer side chain that consists of you’ve got three carbon, and you’ve also got kind of a triad of nitrogen atoms attached to that. The next amino acid is leucine. Leucine is again another one of the three branch chain amino acids. And it is similar to isolucine, except for the fact that it’s also related to valine, except that it has an extra kind of an extra group or an extra carbon attached to it.

And the last essential amino acid is lysine. Now, lysine is also one of the basic amino acids. It’s got a long kind of linear side chain attached and as I said, it’s one of the three basic amino acids, which include histodyne and arginine as well. So just to kind of go over again some kind of details about these and a way to remember essential amino acids is this kind of mnemonic device. Private Tim Hall.

acronym for essential amino acids

Essential Amino Acid Mnemonic So I’ve kind of got underlined the P, private Tim Hall, H-A-L-L. Now, as I mentioned before, I’ve got an asterisk here on arginine. Now, arginine is not always essential amino acid. Arginine is actually only essential. By definition, it’s only essential during childhood in growing children.

But it’s not actually essential in a full grown adult. So sometimes it’s lumped in with the essential amino acids, but in other cases it’s not. So this is a good way to remember. But if you have to, you can kind of just cross out that H or that a. Sorry.

So we just have private team hall, but just make sure you kind of remove that a for arginine. But in some cases it is actually essential. And a couple of other essential amino acids that are only essential in certain circumstances are cysteine. And now cysteine is only essential when you don’t get an adequate amount of methyline in your diet, because cystine is actually formed from methionine, because methionine actually donates itself HydroGroup to cysteine. So if you don’t have enough methylamine, cysteine will actually become essential at that point.

essential amino acids acronym

And same with tyrazine. Now, tyrosine will become essential if you don’t get an adequate amount of phenylalanine in your diet, because really tyrazine is just phenylalanine with a hydroxyl group attached to it. And for vegetarians out there, it’s kind of interesting to note that it’s actually four amino acids that are deficient in plant material, threenine and lysine.

Essential Amino Acid Mnemonic So those four amino acids are typically described to be deficient in plant material. So that’s interesting information for vegetarians that they’re vegetarians and vegans.

Again, this is kind of the easy way to remember it. Remember your list of essential amino acids. But you can also remember your essential amino acids by remembering that all the branching amino acids are essential. So branching amino acids are, again, valine, isoleucine and leucine. So all three of the branching amino acids are essential.

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The basic amino acids such as histidine, arginine and lysine. Again, arginine is not always essential, but in some cases it is the basic amino acids. Hal are essential as well. And methionine is essential. So methionine is remember that’s the kind of the amino acid that kind of provides the organism with sulfur.

So this one is actually also essential. And we’ve also got phenylalanine. This is where you get your kind of benzene ring and thranine. This is kind of one of those hydroxyl group containing amino acids. And tryptophan, which also has a benzene ring but also has a five member ring attached to it.

So kind of a quick way to try to remember. But this is probably the best way to remember your essential amino acids anyways? Guys? I hope that helped that was essential amino acids.


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