Diethylpropion tablets for obesity

Diethylpropion tablets for obesity

Diethylpropion tablets for obesity Commonly, this group of drugs which suppress the AppTite are known as anorectic drugs. So Dietel Propion is a anorectic which suppress the appetite along with the control of diet and proper exercise. This can be used in the treatment of exogenous obesity which is simply called as obesity.

This is the overweight due to uncontrolled diet and lack of exercise in such conditions, Dietal Propion can be used to treat the obesity in the people with body mass index greater than or equal to 30 kg per square meter. Since this drug is going to reduce app diet, it can reduce the body weight so that the body mass index can be reduced.

But this drug is used for short term treatment only for a few weeks. This drug can be used because Dietel Propion is one of the sympathomymtic. So this drug can stimulate the sympathic system which may stimulate major organs like cardiovascular system leading to various complications. That’s why Dietel Propion is not used for long term treatment for short term management of obesity, this drug can be given with few central side effects compared with other drugs within this category. So today in this video we are going to see how this drug acts what is its chemical nature, what are the important precautions, side effects, dosage forms and how it should be taken?

Diethylpropion tablets for obesity

All these things we will discuss in this video. Now let us see chemical nature of this drug. So this is a simple structure of dietyl Propion. Here we can see the ketone group is present which is attached to the phenyl group. So this drug is also classified chemical as phenome.

Now let us give the numbering. We can start the numbering from this ketone group. So this is one, two and three. So according to the IUPAC, we can give the name as one Propanone or Propane one on. Now at the first portion it is having a phenyl group so one phenyl and at the second portion it is having the amine group which is further attached with the dietl groups.

So two dihtal amino that is a simple name of dietyl Propion. So within the chemical name we can find the name of this drug. Dietyl Propion is a dihtal aminoproponone derivative. This drug acts like sympathomymetic and it is somewhat structurally related with the amphetamine. So this drug acts as indirectly acting sympathomymding.

That means even it is not directly acting on the adrenalgic receptors but still it can improve the adrenaline transmission leading to increased symbiotic activity. Now let us see how this drug acts. Within the CNS, cataclymines play an important role. So Norepinephrine is one of the important cataclylamine which is going to be stored into the adrenalic neurons. But the release in Norepinephrine can be taken back into the nerve terminal by one of the transporter net.

Norepinephrine transporter. This is one of the uptake transporter for the norepinephrine which reduce the levels of norepinephrine within the synaptic class. Now, Dietel propylene is one of the drug which can block this norepinephrine transporter such that it can increase the release of norepinephrine. Similarly, ender cataclycalamine is the dopamine. Again, the dopamine neurons are equipped with ender uptake transporter dat dopamine transporter.

Through this transporter, the dopamine can be again taken into the neuroteminal which reduce the levels of DOP mine after exocytosis. Now again, Dietel propion can block this dopamine transporter such that dopamine is more released during the exocytosis. In this way, Dietel propion can increase the levels of norepinephrine as well as dopamine within the CNS. Now, when these norepinephrine dopamine levels are increased within the CNS, they can control the hypothalamus and they can reduce the appetite. So the hunger centers are inhibited by elevated levels of cataclylamines.

This is one part of action of Dietel propion where it can control the appetite by increasing the cataclylamine transmission. Similarly, it can act by endure mechanism within the adipose tissue. Lipolysis takes place by which it can release one of the mediator leptin into the bloodstream. These leptin levels can be increased within the circulation, resulting in an inhibitory effect on the one of the peptide neuropeptide Y. This neuropeptide Y is responsible for neuronal transmission and increasing the hungriness and stimulating the hunger centers.

But when this neuropeptide Y is going to be inhibited by leptin, it results in the decreased appetite within the patients. In this way, Dietal propion can reduce the appetite by increasing the transmission of cataclymines, as well as decrease the neuropeptide by transmission through the elevator levels of leptin. All these mechanisms result in the suppression of aptite. That’s why Dietal propion is used as anorectic for the short term management of obesity. Now, let us the precautions of this drug.

One of the important precaution of Dietel propion is that this drug can act on the sympathic system, so it can increase the blood pressure. Particularly, this drug can increase the pulmonary hypertension. So this is more important within the patients. We can observe increased exercise induced dyspnea, difficulty in breathing, edema, particularly at lower extremities swelling can be observed syncope, some falling sensation can be observed with this Dietel propion and even it can increase the symptoms of angina pectoris, resulting in some chest pain squeezing sensation. All these symptoms can be observed with the Dietal propion because of pulmonary hypertension.

Particularly, these symptoms can be observed on long term treatment with the Dietal propion. That’s why this drug should be used for short term treatment. And within this period there should be some significant difference in the weight loss. If such significant weight loss is not observed, then this Dietel propion should not be continued. So, within first four weeks of treatment, at least four pounds weight loss should be observed with this Dietel propion.

Another important precaution is that with increase in the dose of Dietel propion, we can observe some decreased response. So, Dietel Propion shows some tolerance towards the weight loss. That’s why, if significant weight loss is not observed within first four weeks of treatment, then the dose of the drug should not be increased as it further increase the tolerance. Instead, it should be discontinued replacing with an alternative agent. Because as with increase in the dose, tolerance also increases as well as it can also increase the risk of valuable pathy.

The inflammation of cardiac walls are going to be observed which reduce the cardiac functionality. This valuable path is more observed with drugs like finfluoramine which are withdrawn from the market. Even though dilpropion is having the less risk for this valuable art disorder, but still it should be carefully given at the low dose in order to reduce the cardiovascular complications. Similarly, Dietel Propion on prolonged therapy not only increase the side effects, but it also increase the dependence within the patients. So, when this drug is suddenly withdrawn, it can produce some withdrawal symptoms.

It can also produce some psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations dyskinesia psychotic behavior can be observed with this Dietal Propion. Again, because of this reason, Dietal Propion is not intended for long term therapy. So for short term treatment less than four weeks, this drug can be used for the management of obesity. Similarly, this drug can increase the risk of hypertension. Because this drug is a sympathomymtic, it can increase the sympathetic stimulation which increase the transmission of adrenergic neurons leading to elevation the blood pressure.

So, this drug may prespade cardiac arrhythmias. So, in the patients with already any cardiac disorders, this drug should be carefully given. Even it can increase the further cardiovascular diseases such as angina pectoris. That’s why in the patients with any previous history of cardiac problems, this dietl Propion should be carefully given. And in those patients with severe hypertension, this dietl Propion is contraindicated.

Similarly, this drug can increase the risk of conversions. So in the epileptic patients, carcinogen should be taken, because this drug can further increase the risk of conversions. Now, let us the side effects of Dietal Propion. The first and important side effect is the elevated blood pressure. So, this drug can elevate the blood pressure even it can also produce some pulmonary hypertension resulting in the Dyspnea edema.

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