Abatacept Mechanism precautions side effects & uses

Abatacept Mechanism precautions side effects & uses

Abatacept Mechanism precautions side effects & uses  let us discuss abatacept. What is this drug abatacept? The suffix sept indicates that this is one of the drug resembling receptor. So abatacept is a protein which is classified as T cell cost reduction inhibitor. This drug is selectively inhibiting T cell cost reduction so that it can reduce the immune activation. Abadcept is one of the fusion protein belonging to the family of C TLA4.

Cytotoxic T lymphocytate Antigen 4 family. And this drug is  to be classified as a biological modifier. And this is the biologic disease modifying anti romantic drug, commonly known as BDMOD. So a BAD SEPT can modify the immunity so that it can reduce the autoimmune disorders such as Rheumatoid arthritis.

That’s why this drug is indicated for the treatment of room tread arthritis, which is an autoimmune disorder associated with excessive T cell activity, leading to inflammation within the joints. This room tread arthritis can affect fingers, toes, hip, and ankle, where the excessive inflammation stimulated by immune response can be controlled by a BAT SEPT. Similarly, this drug can also be used in the juvenile treatment of Rheumatoid arthritis. So this drug can be given in the children with age greater than six years, where again, it can control the autoimmune disorder.

Even this drug can be indicated for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis. In all these conditions, a BAT SEPT reduce the immune response, thereby it can control the inflammatory cascade. Now, let us see how this type acts. The antigen presenting cells can stimulate the T cell activity. These antigen presenting cells contain peptides released from the antigen, which are going to be expressed by the surface molecules MHC2.

Now the peptides from the antigen can be expressed by MHC2 molecules, which is recognized by the T cells. Now T cells are having the T cell receptor, which forms a complex with MHC2, leading to recognition of antigen peptide. But this may not sufficient to completely activate the T cell activity.

Abatacept Mechanism precautions side effects & uses

And T cells require another costimulator and the Xpress CD28 on the surface. This CD28 is going to be activated by another cluster, CDAT by 86 present on the antigen presenting cells. So this step is important and this is a co stimulation which is required for sufficient activation of T cell activity. Now by formation of MHC2 complex as well as by this co stimulation, T cell activity is going to be increased, which results in the increased immune response, leading to inflammatory cascade.

Now, abadcept is one of the disease modifying antiromatic drug. This can modify this immune response, thereby it can control inflammatory cascade. Now, abadcept can bind to the CD 28, thereby it can prevent the binding of CD 8 or 86, resulting in the inhibition of co stimulation. Due to loss of cost tumulation, T cells are not activated, resulting in the decreased immune response. In this way, abadcept acts as disease modifying anti romantic drug. Now, let us the precautions of this drug.

One of the important precautions of abadcept is that this drug should be carefully given the patients with any COPD, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder. In such patients, abadcept can produce cough, d ispnea, difficulty in breathing, which further reduce the function of bronchials. So in such patients, abacac should be carefully given. Similarly, this drug is going to inhibit the T cell activity.

Due to decreased T cell activity, abacac can produce immunosuppression. When the immunity is going to be suppressed, it can increase the risk of infections. This is particularly more important when this abatiseptic is combined with other biological modifiers. For instance, TNF antagonists, tumor necrosis factor alpha antagonists such as itineric seps. If they are combined with abadcept, they can produce a significant immunosuppression, which increase the risk of infections.

That’s why TNF and begonies should not be combined with abadcept. And since this drug is going to reduce the immunity, abadcept can reduce the effectiveness of immunization. So this drug can increase the risk of pneumonia in the patient because of reduced immunity. It can also increase the risk of tuberculosis.

Even it can increase the respiratory tract infections and urinary tract infections. So all this should be considered when this abadcept is prescribed for treatment of thromb thyroid arthritis. Similarly, this drug can produce hypersensitivity. So it can produce skin rashes, d ispnea difficulty in breathing, hypotension. All this should be considered when this drug is going to be prescribed. What are the side effects?

Abatispept can produce headache, and it can also increase the risk of infections resulting in nasal pharyngitis, sinusitis, upper respiratory tract infections, bronchitis, influenza, rhinitis, urinary tract infections, pneumonia, and herpes simplex infections can be produced by abaticept. How it is given. This drug is available as IV infusion as well as subcutaneous injection. The dose of the drug is based on the body weight of the patient. If the average body weight of the patient is less than 60 kilo, then this drug is given at a dose of 500 mg.

If the body weight is from 60 to 100 kilo, then this drug is given at a dose of 750 mg. And finally, when the body weight is greater than 100 kilo, this drug can be given up to 1,000 mg per day. In case of IV infusion, this drug can be repeated on second and fourth week of the treatment. In case of subcutaneous injection, it can be given for every one week to reduce the symptoms of R heumatoid arthritis.

So that’s about this drug, Abad Ceph, which is a biologic disease modifying, an anti romantic drug. This drug acts as a selective T cell cost reduction inhibitor. And this is one of the fusion protein which can reduce the cost reduction of T cells, resulting in the decreased immune response. As immunity is going to be suppressed, this drug can increase the risk of infections, particularly it can increase the risk of pneumonia, shiobrachialis, bronchitis, urinary tract infections, and upper respiratory tract infections. This drug can be used both in the treatment of thrombin type arthritis as well as psoriatic arthritis. In the children greater than six years, again, this drug can be used to treat thrombin type arthritis.

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